Casper Kehlet
fastansat - Storyline Studios
Digital Image Technician
Q-take operatør
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The best you can get. Nerdy, funny and outgoing DIT. I mainly work at Storyline Post Copenhagen making Conform and Mastering of series and movies for Stream and Cinema. I do a lot of DIT work as well working in close collaboration the likes of Netflix and many others, ensuring streamline workflow from start to finish.Udstyr
Have been working on a range of TV series, Movies and a bunch of high end commercials since 2015. See more on IMDB.Have an extended experience with all ARRI camera's, Blackmagic and RED. Vast experience and know how with streaming with close to zero latency for commercial shoots that needs to stream the live signal to another country for producers or directors.
Contact me if you need help with your workflow or need professionel expertise.
Prices are always calculated for specific project and size.
Prices always incl. equipment to get the job done safely and within the projects needs. Have been working many times with Netflix and HBO.